Girl’s day out – IMATS NYC 2012

5 of the 6 girls, Barbara, Minette, Me, Jaimee & my cousin Claire

Keeping up with my blog has been harder than I thought, it’s been almost one month since my last post. 🙁 I promised myself that I would make better efforts to post diary-type blogs more regularly, so here is my first attempt to get back on board. This time last week I was amped up for my 1st trip to IMATS NYC, which is the International Makeup Artist Trade Show. For those of you that follow my You Tube channel, you might have already seen my Vlog of the entire experience as well as my haul of makeup goodies I purchased.

This trip has been in the making since last year with, my good friend and fellow You Tuber Ilearnwithminette, my cousin and 3 of our close friends. It is rare that I can get time to myself without the 3 little ones, aside from my weekly grocery trips (aka my only place of Zen) and the occasional date night (aka “speed date with hubby,” which means scarfing down all-you-can-eat sushi and heading straight home.) So you can imagine my excitement to have a whole day to myself with the girls.

Minette & I with our friend Rachelle, who took some amazing pics of our experience

On 2 hours of sleep and being up at 4am to get ready to head to NYC, standing in long lines to get the discounted makeup products we wanted, meeting other You Tuber friends and Beauty Gurus we follow for the first time and rushing back home before my curfew for the day at 6pm (which I got delayed on the train for 1+hrs)…was worth every minute and second to have that quality time with my girls.

Group shot of our Imats wristbands before hitting the booths!

Minette & I shopping at Bedellium Tools











The last stop of the day, listening to our favorite You Tube Beauty Guru, Kandee Johnson, speak!

I think every mom out there deserves to have a “Girls Day out!” I had to overcome any guilt I felt for being away from my babies all day and remind myself that it’s only one day, and not even a full 24hrs.  By the time I came home, even though I was physically exhausted, I was somehow mentally refreshed at the same time…if that makes any sense? And the extra tight hugs and kisses I received from the kids felt twice as good as they ever did before. <3