My Body Image after 3 Pregnancies in 3 years

330. biab shayleeandbaby channel

I was recently asked to be part of Shayleeandbaby’s #biab (body image after baby) series. Here is my story and journey after having my 3 kids back to back to back…3 years in a row. I share how I put myself last and didn’t even have time to stop and consider how I felt about my own body image until after my 3rd child was a few months old. Life was turned upside down in the most blessed way in such a short time span…but finally I took charge of my confidence again and got into better shape than I have been in all my life. My journey still continues…but anything is possible after 1, 2, 3 or more kids…you can change your body image to whatever you want it to be! Thanks for taking time to listen to my story!!! And thanks to Shaylee for asking me to be part of this inspiring series. Make sure to subscribe to Shayleeandbaby and check out all the other moms in the #biab series! You can also watch the FULL video here! xoxo Cole

Watch full video on Shaylee’s channel below…