Back with another monthly Costco Vlog & Haul for our family of 6! If you’re subscribed, leave a comment and turn on the notifications bell, we would love for you to be our next shoutout! xoxo TeamYniguez
Back with another monthly Costco Vlog & Haul for our family of 6! If you’re subscribed, leave a comment and turn on the notifications bell, we would love for you to be our next shoutout! xoxo TeamYniguez
Back to School Costco haul, shopping solo with all 4 of my kiddos! They start school next week! If you’re subscribed, leave a comment and turn on the notifications bell, we would love for you to be our next shoutout! xoxo TeamYniguez
Wow this is a super fast costco haul literally!!! Sorry I couldn’t vlog more. Back story on this crazy trip to costco….unlike normal months. We needed to go asap bc it was Maliya’s bday celebration the next day (bry was planning to cook). It was Emelyn’s dance showcase day and …
Back with a NEW costco haul and it’s a bigger one than we’ve had the past few months with our under $100 budget. We doubled it this month since we needed quite a few things especially after our recent out of town trip. xoxo Cole & Team Yniguez
Sorry this video is almost a month late, I filmed it early April when the kids were on their last day of Spring Break. But this is our haul from what we got this month…we went over our $100 budget since we needed additional essentials. So hopefully we can go …
Our March Costco shop with me and haul! Trying to stay within our NEW $100 budget…watch to see if we did it again or went over? xoxo Cole & TeamYniguez
Our February Costco Shop with me and haul…this time on a tight $100 budget this month! Will I make it??? Got my list of absolute necessities but you know how it is going into Costco, you always grab things not on your list. Watch to see how and what I …
#VLOGMAS day 13 of 2017! We will be posting up a daily vlog every day from December 1st – January 1st! I’ve decided that some will be DITL day in the life videos or some other types of vlogs, such as hauls, party planning, or random morning routines and chit …
Another Costco Haul, this is a bit late since this was our mid-month haul from October. As you will see in the vlog, we just re-stock up on essentials to last us through the rest of the month. Hope you enjoy these shop with us style Costco Hauls. If you …
Grocery shopping on a budget is no easy task for a family of 6 but add in grocery shopping with kids in tow…forget about it. The minute I walk through the doors I already want to go back home and come back when the kids are asleep. However shopping while …