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Closet Confidential TAG

Thanks to my fellow fashionista mommas for tagging me to do the Closet Confidential TAG! A fun tag sharing some of your fashion finds with friends! Make sure to check out their channels and TAG videos too! Kat (IJKFamTV) Kat’s video Jessica (ImJessicaOlivia) Jessica’s video Questions: What is the OLDEST …


I love doing these random Tag videos because it’s a way for all of us to get to know each other a little bit more. A couple weeks ago my friend Abby from MamaDeTwinkies tagged me and I was excited to make time to film this for you all. Since …


My husband Bryan is finally making another appearance on my channel! The last sit down video we did together was the HUSBAND TAG in 2011!!! Thumbs up this video if you want Bryan to appear in future videos! We messed up a few questions in this tag but had fun …