EcoTools Makeup Brushes (Holiday Sets) | 12 DAYS OF GIVEAWAYS: Day 6 | #mtbcHoliday

Soooo excited for my 12 days of giveaways! #mtbcHoliday I will be posting a new giveaway video for the first 12 days of December…items for the home, for mommy, for baby and for kids. Be sure to check back everyday to enter and I will be selecting a winner within 2 days after each giveaway and announcing it on my snapchat (and will message/email the winner too). Day 6 is for EcoTools Make up brushes! One winner will win all 3 Holiday sets shown in my video! Be sure to enter my previous giveaways too!
xoxo Cole

Enter below on Rafflecopter or click here.


Enter my OPEN 12 days of Giveaways #mtbcHoliday
Day 4 giveaway: J is for Jeep Stroller 
Day 5 giveaway: Dreamland Fairy 
Day 6 giveaway: Ecotools 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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